Perfect Day Ceremonies F A Q's
Q What is the difference between a Registrar and an Independent Celebrant?
A Registrar is employed by the local council to legally register deaths, births and marriages. They normally register the marriage at the local Registry offices with two witnesses but can also go to a licenced venue to register a marriage. However they have limited appointments and cannot develop a personal ceremony. They will be restricted by law in what they can offer you.
An Independent Celebrant however can create a truly unique and bespoke ceremony for you. I will normally meet with you to understand what type of ceremony you would like to have. I cannot legally register the marriage but this can be done before or after your ceremony date – see above. A Celebrant ceremony is relaxed and full of love and laughter. You can choose whatever music, poems or readings you would like and involve family members and guests as you wish.
Q Is a Celebrant wedding legal?
No the marriage must be registered with a Registrar to be legal. See above.
Q Does the venue need to be licenced?
No – because it is not a legal ceremony, the venue does not need to be licenced. This opens up a number of bespoke options for you –Dad’s back garden anyone?
Q Where can I have a celebrant wedding?
Anywhere you want. It can be on a beach, in a field with a tipi, on a boat, in a hot air balloon, in your local golf or rugby club. It is however important to have a “Plan B” in case of bad weather and to have facilities available for your guests. The world is your oyster.
Q When can I have a celebrant ceremony?
Anytime you like! I am available 24/7 and will book the whole day out for your ceremony. What about a Sunday night by candle light – or a Monday just to be different!
Q Can we write our own vows?
Yes, there are no restrictions on the content of your vows. I can suggest vows for you or you can write your own. They can be the same vows or different – and they can even be kept secret from each other until you say them. I can manage all of this for you.
Q Do we exchange rings?
Yes rings are normally exchanged – but if you don’t want to – you don’t have to.
Q Do we sign a Certificate?
Yes, you will normally sign a Wedding Certificate at the end of the ceremony. Note this is not the legal marriage certificate. You can choose witnesses or simply sign it on your own. It is a great photo opportunity. What about opening a bottle of champagne before you sign?
Q Can I choose poems or readings?
Yes, you can choose what you want included in the ceremony. I can help you choose something or you may already have some favourites – Winnie the Pooh anyone?
Q Can we choose our own music?
Yes you can choose whatever music you would like in the ceremony. It can be played live or simply played through a wifi device by a friend.
Q My family are religious – can we have a prayer?
Yes, you can include a prayer, religious reading or blessing if you wish and a family member can deliver it for you.
Note a Humanist Celebrant will not be able to include anything religious within your ceremony.
Q Can you include symbolic gestures?
Yes, I can talk you through many different gestures that you can include in your ceremony, including lighting a memory candle, planting a tree, or perhaps having a hand tying.
Q What are your fees?
My fees depend on the date and location. Please contact me if you would like a quote.
Q What are the next steps?
Simply contact me to check if I am available on your chosen date? We can then meet for a coffee or have a zoom call together to chat through the type of ceremony you would like. This is a no obligation call and gives you the chance to decide if you would like to work with me. Your ceremony is the most important part of your day so it is really important that we “connect” so you can feel confident sharing your love story with me.
I will send you a booking form and a deposit will secure the date for you with the balance due 8 weeks before your wedding.
Relax, you can now focus on all the other arrangements knowing that you have found your ideal celebrant!